
报告: 发展害虫绿色防控新策略







王桂荣,博士,现任中国农业科学院植物保护研究所研究员、博士生导师。国家杰出青年基金获得者,入选“万人计划”领军人才,国家百千万人才工程,被授予有突出贡献中青年专家,获得国家科技进步二等奖。兼任植物病虫害生物学国家重点实验室副主任、亚太化学生态学会副主席、中国昆虫学会基因组学专业委员会副主任、中国昆虫学会常务理事、中国农业生物化学和分子生物学委员会理事以及Scientific ReportsJIAFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution、昆虫学报等杂志编委。王桂荣博士一直从事害虫化学生态学和功能基因组学的研究工作,在NaturePNASCurrent Biology等杂志上发表研究论文100多篇,被引1000多次。


1. Zhu J, S Arena, S Spinelli, D Liu, G Zhang, R Wei, C Cambillau, A Scaloni, G Wang*, P Pelosi*. Reverse Chemical ecology: Olfactory proteins from the giant panda and their interactions with putative pheromones and bamboo volatiles. PNAS, 2017 (in press)

2. Hetan Chang, Yang Liu, Dong Ai, Xingchuan Jiang, Shuanglin Dong, Guirong Wang* A pheromone antagonist regulates optimal mating time in the moth, Helicoverpa armigera. Current Biology, 2017, 27(11): 1610-1615

  1. R Zhang, B Wang, G Grossi, P Falabella, Y Liu, S Yan, J Lu, J Xi, G Wang* Molecular Basis of Alarm Pheromone Detection in Aphids, Current Biology (2017), 27(1):55-61

    Paolo Pelosi, Immacolata Iovinella, Jiao Zhu, Guirong Wang*, Francesca Romana Dani*. Beyond chemoreception: different tasks of soluble olfactory proteins in insects. Biological Reviews. 2017. doi: 10.1111/brv.12339

  2. Wang GR, Allison Carey, John R. Carlson and Laurence J. Zwiebel. The Molecular Basis of Odor Coding in Malaria Vector Mosquito Anopheles gambiae. PNAS 2010, 107(9):4418-23

  3. Allison Carey, Guirong Wang, Chih-Ying Su, Laurence J. Zwiebel, and John R. Carlson. Odorant reception in the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Nature 2010 464(7285):66-71.

  4. Wang GR, Y.T. Qiu, T. Lu, H. Kwon, R. J. Pitts, J.J. van Loon, W. Takken and L.J. Zwiebel. Anopheles gambiae TRPA1 is a heat-activated channel expressed in thermosensitive sensilla of female antennae. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2009, 30: 967-974.

  5. Y.F. Xia, Wang GR (first co-author), D Buscariollo, R.J. Pitts, H. Wegner and L.J. Zwiebel. The Molecular and Cellular Basis of Olfactory Behavior in Anopheles gambiae Larvae. PNAS. 2008, 105(17):6433-8.

  6. T. Lu, YT. Qiu, Wang GR (first co-author), J.Y. Young, M. Rutzler, H.W. Kwon, R. J. Pitts, J. J.A. van Loon, J. R. Carlson, W. Takken, and L. J. Zwiebel. Odor Coding in the Maxillary Palp of the Malaria Vector Mosquito Anopheles gambiae. Current Biology. 2007, 17(18): 1533-1544.


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