E-mail: songj@vip.henu.edu.cn
2020.01 - 至今 河南大学,副教授
2015.09 – 2020.01 河南大学,讲师。研究方向:昆虫分子生物学和基因组学。
2011.09 – 2015.07 中国科学院动物研究所,理学博士,生化与分子生物学。
2008.09 – 2011.06 河南农业大学,理学硕士,遗传学。
2004.09 – 2008.07 河南农业大学,理学学士,生物科学。
国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,miRNA通过保幼激素合成调控飞蝗卵黄生成的分子机制(31702063),主持,2018/01 – 2020/12 ,25万元
河南省高等学校重点科研项目,保幼激素受体Met及其早期响应基因Kr-h1在飞蝗种群控制中的应用(18A210007),主持,2018/01 – 2019/12,3万元
1. Song Jiasheng, Zhou Shutang, Post-transcriptional regulation of insect metamorphosis and oogenesis., Cell Mol Life Sci., 2020,77(10), 1893-1909, DOI: 10.1007/s00018-019-03361-5
2. Song Jiasheng, Li Wanwan, Zhao Haihong, Zhou Shutang, Clustered miR-2, miR-13a, miR-13b and miR-71 coordinately target Notch gene to regulate oogenesis of the migratory locust Locusta migratoria., Insect Biochem Mol Biol., 2019:106, 39-46, DOI: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2018.11.004
3. Song Jiasheng, Li Wanwan, Zhao Haihong, Gao Lulu, Fan Yuning, Zhou Shutang, MicroRNA let-7 and miR-278 regulate insect metamorphosis and oogenesis via targeting juvenile hormone early response gene Kruppel-homolog 1., Development., 2018.12.17, DOI: 10.1242/dev.170670
4. Song Jiasheng,Guo Wei,Jiang Feng,Kang Le,Zhou Shutang*,Argonaute 1 is indispensable for juvenile hormone mediated oogenesis in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria.,Insect Biochem Mol Biol,2013.9.01,43(9):879~887
5. Song Jiasheng,Wu Zhongxia,Wang Zhiming,Deng Shun,Zhou Shutang*,Kruppel-homolog 1 mediates juvenile hormone action to promote vitellogenesis and oocyte maturation in the migratory locust.,Insect Biochem Mol Biol,2014.9.01,52:94~101
6. Wang Zhiming,Yang Libin,Song Jiasheng,Kang Le*,Zhou Shutang*,An isoform of Taiman that contains a PRD-repeat motif is indispensable for transducing the vitellogenic juvenile hormone signal in Locusta migratoria.,Insect Biochem Mol Biol,2017.1.27,82:31~40
7. Guo Wei#,Wu Zhongxia#,Song Jiasheng,Jiang Feng,Wang Zhiming,Deng Shun,Walker Virginia K,Zhou Shutang*,Juvenile hormone-receptor complex acts on mcm4 and mcm7 to promote polyploidy and vitellogenesis in the migratory locust.,PLoS Genet,2014.10.01,10(10):e1004702~e1004702 (# co-first author)
8. Ren Dani,Cai Zhaokui,Song Jiasheng,Wu Zhongxia,Zhou Shutang*,dsRNA uptake and persistence account for tissue-dependent susceptibility to RNA interference in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria.,Insect Mol Biol,2014.4.01,23(2):175~184
9. 赵连丰#,宋佳晟#,周树堂. MicroRNA在昆虫变态及生殖过程中的调控作用. 昆虫学报. 2015.58(1):90-98 (# 共同第一作者)
10. 周树堂,郭伟,宋佳晟. 昆虫变态的激素与基因调控. 生物学通报. 2012. 47:1-6
11. 周树堂,郭伟,宋佳晟. 保幼激素的分子作用机制研究. 应用昆虫学报. 2012. 49: 1087-1094