
电子邮箱:yingfancai@outlook.com, cyf@henu.edu.cn


2003年于四川大学生命科学学院植物专业博士研究生毕业,获理学博士学位。1986年和1997年获西南农业大学农学学士学位和遗传育种专业硕士学位。2005--2006年于美国康乃尔大学(Cornell UniversityBoyce Thompson植物研究所访问科学家。20138月至今被聘为河南大学“攀登计划”第二层次特聘教授。

长期从事棉花抗病与发育、功能基因组学、棉花遗传育种研究。先后主持完成国家自然科学基金项目(5项)、国家重点研发计划子课题(2项)、国家“九五“科技攻关项目、农业部发展棉花专项资金等国家和省部级重点项目;主持选育出通过国家审定和省审定的棉花抗黄萎病高产优质新品种应用于大面积生产,转让棉花新品种专利1项。共同主持培育出棉花抗黄萎病多菌系抗源种质2个,获国家技术发明三等奖和四川省科技进步一等奖、三等奖等多项成果,取得显著的社会经济效益。研究成果在Plant Biotechnology JournalPlant PhysiologyNew PhytologistJournal of Agricultural and Food ChemistryBMC Plant BiologyThe Crop JournalAgronomy for Sustainable Development等国内外期刊发表系列SCI论文40多篇。合作编著著作2部,授权发明专利7项。



1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,棉花抗病虫基因资源发掘和利用(2022YFD1200303),研究期限:2022.12-2027.11

2. 国家自然科学基金NSFC联合基金项目:棉花分枝发育相关基因GbBRC1等的功能解析(U1704104),2018.01-2020.12

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于陆海渐渗系的棉花黄萎病成株抗性相关基因的鉴定与功能解析(31571724),研究期限:2016.01-2019.12

4. 国家重点研发计划子课题负责人,棉花主要经济作物分子设计育种,重要农艺性状多基因互作网络解析(2016YFD0101902),研究期限:2016.07-2020.12

5. 国家重点研发计划,黄河流域高效轻简化棉花新品种培育-优质多抗棉花新品种培育(2018YFD0100304)(参加),2018.06-2020.12

6. 国家自然科学基金项目,陆地棉抗源抗落叶型黄萎病及相关抗病性应答的分子机理(31071461),研究期限:2011-2013

7. 国家自然科学基金项目,棉属植物腺体形成相关基因的筛选与功能研究(30771311),研究期限:2008-2010

8. 国家自然科学基金主任基金项目,棉属植物腺体形成相关基因的分离克隆与功能鉴定(30440032),研究期限:2005.1-2005.12

9. 国家农业部项目,研究期限:2015-2016

10. 国家863计划子课题(2008AA1OZ121-2),研究期限:2008-2011

11. 国家农业部“发展棉花生产专项基金”项目-川棉65200012),研究期限:2000-2004, 25.0万元

12. 国家科技攻关项目(96-002-02-10-02),研究期限:1996-2000

13. 四川省科技攻关项目,研究期限:1996-2002

14. 四川省杰出青年科学基金项目(462),研究期限:2001-2003

15. 重庆市重点攻关项目(CSTC, 2011AB1095),研究期限:2011-2013

16. 河南省科技创新杰出人才计划项目,研究期限:2015.01-2017.12

17. 河南省自然科学基金项目,LncRNAs 调控棉花黄萎病抗性的分子机制,研究期限:2022-2023

发表论文(部分研究论文,*通讯作者Corresponding author)

Yi F, Song A, Cheng K, Liu J, Wang C, Wu S, Wang P, Zhu J, Liang Z, Chang Y, Chu Z, Cai C, Zhang X, Wang P, Chen A, Xu J, Burritt DJ, Herrera-Estrella L, Tran LP*, Li W*, Cai Y*. Strigolactones positively regulate Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton via crosstalk with other hormones. Plant Physiology. 2023 Jan 31:kiad053. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiad053.

Lin Zhang#, Jinlei Liu#, Jieru Cheng#, Quan Sun#, Yu Zhang, Jinggao Liu, Huimin Li, Zhen Zhang, Ping Wang, Chaowei Cai . Zongyan Chu, Xiao Zhang, Youlu Yuan, YuZhen Shi*, Yingfan Cai*. lncRNA7 and lncRNA2 modulate cell wall defense genes to regulate cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt. Plant Physiology. 2022 Feb 3:kiac041. doi: 10.1093/plphys/kiac041.

Cai Y#, Cai X#, Wang Q#, Wang P#, Zhang Y#, Cai C#, Xu Y#, Wang K, Zhou Z, Wang C, Geng S, Li B, Dong Q, Hou Y, Wang H, Ai P, Liu Z, Yi F, Sun M, An G, Cheng J, Zhang Y, Shi Q, Xie Y, Shi X, Chang Y, Huang F, Chen Y, Hong S, Mi L, Sun Q, Zhang L, Zhou B, Peng R, Zhang X*, Liu F*. Genome sequencing of the Australian wild diploid species Gossypium australe highlights disease resistance and delayed gland morphogenesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020 Mar;18(3):814-828.

Peng S, Guo D, Guo Y, Zhao H, Mei J, Han Y, Guan R, Wang T, Song T, Sun K, Liu Y, Mao T, Chang H, Xue J, Cai Y, Chen D, Wang S*. CONSTITUTIVE EXPRESSER OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES 5 is an RNA-binding protein controlling plant immunity via an RNA processing complex. Plant Cell. 2022 Apr 26;34(5):1724-1744.

Cai C, Wang P, Zhao C, Lei W, Chu Z, Cai Y*, An G*.The use of ribosome-nascent chain complex-seq to reveal the translated mRNA profile and the role of ASN1 in resistance to Verticillium wilt in cotton. Genomics. 2021 Nov;113(6):3872-3880.

Quan Sun#, Yuanhui Xie#, Huiming Li, Jinglei Liu, Rui Geng, Ping Wang, Zongyan Chu, Ying Chang, Guanjun Li, Xiao Zhang, Youlu Yuan*, Yingfan Cai*. Cotton GhBRC1 regulates branching, flowering, and growth by integrating multiple hormone pathways. The Crop Journal Volume 10, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 75-87, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2021.01.007

Wang X#, Miao Y#, Cai Y#, Sun G, Jia Y, Song S, Pan Z, Zhang Y, Wang L, Fu G, Gao Q, Ji G, Wang P, Chen B, Peng Z, Zhang X, Wang X, Ding Y, Hu D, Geng X, Wang L, Pang B, Gong W, He S*, Du X*. Large-fragment insertion activates gene GaFZ (Ga08G0121), and is associated with the fuzz and trichome reduction in cotton (Gossypium arboreum). Plant Biotechnol J. 2021 Jun;19(6):1110-1124.  

Ji G#, Liang C#, Cai Y#, Pan Z, Meng Z, Li Y, Jia Y, Miao Y, Pei X, Gong W, Wang X, Gao Q, Peng Z, Wang L, Sun J, Geng X, Wang P, Chen B, Wang P, Zhu T, He S*, Zhang R*, Du X*. A copy number variant at the HPDA-D12 locus confers compact plant architecture in cotton. New Phytol. 2021 Feb;229(4):2091-2103.

Ying Chang#, Bo Li#, Qian Shi, Rui Geng, Shuaipeng Geng, Jinlei Liu, Yuanyuan Zhang and Yingfan Cai* Comprehensive Analysis of Respiratory Burst Oxidase Homologs (Rboh) Gene Family and Function of GbRboh5/18 on Verticillium Wilt Resistance in Gossypium barbadense. September 2020Frontiers in Genetics, 202011:788

Lin Zhang, Ye Tao, Suya Zhao, Xiaoyan Yin, Junmei Chen, Miao Wang, Yingfan Cai*Qiuhong Niu*. A novel peroxiredoxin from the antagonistic endophytic bacterium Enterobacter sp. V1 contributes to cotton resistance against Verticillium dahliae. Plant and Soil, volume 454, pages395-409 (2020)

Zhang Ling, Li W, Tao Y, Zhao S, Yao L, Cai Yingfan*, Niu Q*. Overexpression of the key virulence factor 1,3-1,4-β-D-glucanase in the endophytic bacterium Bacillus halotolerans Y6 to improve Verticillium resistance in cotton. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2019 May 28. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.9b00728.

Dai P#, Miao Y#, He S, Pan Z, Jia Y, Cai Yingfan, Sun J, Wang L, Pang B, Wang M, Du Xiongming. Identifying favorable alleles for improving key agronomic traits in upland cotton. BMC Plant Biology, 2019 Apr 11;19(1):138. doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1725-y.

Quan Sun, Guangfan Zhou, Yingfan Cai*, Yonghong Fan, Xiaoyan Zhu, Yihua Liu, Xiaohong He, Jinjuan Shen, Huaizhong Jiang, Daiwen Hu,Zheng Pan, Liuxin Xiang, Guanghua He,Jianping Yang. Transcriptome analysis of development of the stem in tumourous stem mustard, Brassica juncea var. tumida Tsen et Lee, by RNA sequencing. BMC Plant Biology, 2012, 12:53

Xiang Linxin, Liu J, Wu C, Deng Y, Cai C, Zhang X, Cai Yingfan*. Genome-wide comparative analysis of NBS-encoding genes in four Gossypium species. BMC Genomics. 2017 Apr 12;18(1):292. doi: 10.1186/s12864-017-3682-x.

Quan Sun, Huaizhong Jiang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Xiaohong He, Liuxin Xiang, Yuzhen Shi, YouluYuan, Xiongming Du,Yingfan Cai*. Analysis of Sea-Island Cotton and Upland Cotton in Response to Verticillium dahliae Infection by RNA Sequencing. 2013, BMC Genomics, 2013 ,14:852

Xu Zheng, Suowei Wu, Huqu Zhai, Peng Zhou, Meifang Song, Liang Su, Yulin Xi, Zhiyong Li, Yingfan Cai, Fanhua Meng, Li Yang, Haiyang Wang, Jianping Yang*. (2013). Arabidopsis Phytochrome B Promotes SPA1 Nuclear Accumulation to Repress Photomorphogenesis under Far-Red Light. The Plant Cell, 201325(1):115-33

Sun Q, Du X, Cai C, Long L, Zhang S, Qiao P, Wang W, Zhou K, Wang G, Liu X, Zhang H, Geng S, Yang C, Gao W, Mo J, Miao C, Song C, Cai Yingfan*. To Be a Flower or Fruiting Branch: Insights Revealed by mRNA and Small RNA Transcriptomes from Different Cotton Developmental Stages. Scientific Reports. 2016 Mar 17;6:23212. doi: 10.1038/srep23212.

Yingfan Cai*, Yongfang Xie, Jinggao Liu. Glandless seed and glanded plant research in cotton. Agronomy for Sustainable Development2010, 301: 181-190

Sun Quan, Wang G, Zhang X, Zhang X, Qiao P, Long L, Yuan Y*, Cai Yingfan*. Genome-wide identification of the TIFY gene family in three cultivated Gossypium species and the expression of JAZ genes. Scientific Reports. 2017 Feb 10;7:42418. doi: 10.1038/srep42418.

Ping Wang, Sai Zhang, Jing Qiao, Quan Sun, Qian Shi, Chaowei Cai, Jianchuan Mo, Zongyan Chu, Youlu Yuan, Xiongming Du, Yuchen Miao, Xiao Zhang and Yingfan Cai*. Functional analysis of the GbDWARF14 gene associated with branching development in cotton. PeerJ, 2019DOI 10.7717/peerj.6901

Xiang Liuxin, Cai C, Cheng J, Wang L, Wu C, Shi Y, Luo J, He L, Deng Y, Zhang X, Yuan Y, Cai Yingfan* Identification of circularRNAs and their targets in Gossypium under Verticillium wilt stress based on RNA-seq.. PeerJ. 2018 Mar 16;6:e4500. doi: 10.7717/peerj.4500. eCollection 2018.

Xiang Liuxin, Liu C, Luo J, He L, Deng Y, Yuan J, Wu C*, Cai Yingfan*. A tuber mustard AP2/ERF transcription factor gene, BjABR1, functioning in abscisic acid and abiotic stress responses, and evolutionary trajectory of the ABR1 homologous genes in Brassica species. PeerJ. 2018 Dec 11;6:e6071. doi: 10.7717/peerj.6071.

Sun Quan, Qiao J, Zhang S, He S, Shi Y, Yuan Y, Zhang X, Cai Yingfan*. Changes in DNA methylation assessed by genomic bisulfite sequencing suggest a role for DNA methylation in cotton fruiting branch development. PeerJ. 2018 Jun 14;6:e4945. doi: 10.7717/peerj.4945. eCollection 2018.

Wang W, Yuan Y, Yang C, Geng S, Sun Q, Long L, Cai C, Chu Z, Liu X, Wang G, Du X, Miao C, Zhang X, Cai Y*. Characterisation, Expression, and Functional Analysis of a Novel NAC Gene Associated with Resistance to Verticillium Wilt and Abiotic Stress in Cotton. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2016 Nov 1. pii: g3.116.034512. doi: 10.1534/g3.116.034512.

Xiaohong He, Quan Sun, Huaizhong Jiang, Xiaoyan Zhu, Jianchuan Mo, Lu Long,Liuxin Xiang, Yongfang Xie, Yuzhen Shi, Youlu Yuan, Yingfan Cai*. Identification of novel microRNAs in the Verticillium wilt-resistant upland cotton variety KV-1 by high-throughput sequencing. Springerplus. 2014 Sep 27;3:564. doi: 10.1186/2193-1801-3-564. eCollection 2014(SCI).

Quan Sun, Yingfan Cai*, Yongfang XieJianchuan Mo, Youlu Yuan, Yuzhen Shi , Shengwei Li, Huaizhong Jiang, Zheng Pan, Yunling Gao, Min Chen, Xiaohong He. Gene Expression Profiling During Gland Morphorgenesis in a Mutant and a Glandless Upland Cotton. Molecular biology reports,2010,377:3319–3325

Liuxin Xiang, Yuxian Xia*, Yingfan Cai*, Jijun Liu, Xiaohong He, Quan Sun, Xiaoyan Wang, Yuyin Fu, Yonghong Fan, Daiwen Dong, Guanfan Zhou, Jinjuan Shen and Yihua Liu. Characterisation of the first tuber mustard calmodulin-like gene, BjAAR1, and its functions in responses to abiotic stress and abscisic acid in Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biology, 2013, 56:168-175.

Yong-Fang Xie, Biao Li, Bochu Wang*, Ying-Fan Cai*. Construction of cDNA Library of Cotton Mutant (Xiangmian 18) Library During Gland Forming Stage. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2007, 602):258–263

Jinggao Liu, Robert Stipanovic,Yingfan Cai, Lorraine Puckhaber, Alois Bell. Cloning and Heterologous Expression of a Cytochrome P450 Hydroxylase Involved in the Terpenoid Biosynthetic Pathway in Cotton. Proceedings-Beltwide Cotton ConferencesUSA. 2007, Jan.

Yingfan CaiHong ZhangYu ZengJianchuan MoJinku BaoChen Miaom Jie Baim Fang Yan and Fang Chen*. An optimized gossypol high-performance liquid chromatography assay and its application in evaluation of different gland genotypes of cotton. Journal of Biosciences2004, 291):67-71




3.四川省科技进步一等奖:抗棉黄萎病多菌系抗源种质的选育,成果第2完成人(成果完成者证书第2776号);1995年获四川省科技进步一等奖 (排名第3)。

4.国家审定品种:棉花抗枯黄萎病兼抗棉铃虫优质高产新品种川棉2431996年四川省审定,2000年又通过国家审定, 2004年成功转让品种专利。本人排名第二(共同主持)。

5. 四川省审定品种:棉花抗黄枯萎病、抗红铃虫兼抗红蜘蛛高产优质新品种川棉65”的选育 2000年获得农业部农发专项资金资助,2002年通过四川省审定。本人排名第一。




张相琼,蔡应繁. 《四川棉花品种选育与主要品种介绍》(执笔撰写主要理论部分)。成都:天地出版社,20021月出版



棉花GbSLR1基因在植物根和分枝发育中的应用,发明专利, 202176日,发明人:蔡应繁,张赛,孙全,何琳,乔婧,龙璐,高巍,张骁. ZL 2017 1, 1135400.3,

棉花GhLecRK1基因在植物抗黄萎病中的应用.ZL 2017 1 1136716.4 ,发明专利 2021-01-09。发明人:蔡应繁,龙璐,高巍,何琳,张慧,孙全,张骁.



棉花细胞色素P450 CYP94C1基因在抗黄萎病中的应用, 2016108583214(专利申请号),20160928,发明人:蔡应繁、周克学、龙璐、王微娜、孙全、高巍、张骁、宋纯鹏.



1. 棉花生物学专题(硕士、博士研究生)

2. 文献阅读(硕士、博士研究生)

3. 植物育种学(本科生)

4. 作物栽培与耕作学(本科生)

电子邮箱yingfancai@outlook.com, cyf@henu.edu.cn

文章来源: 时间:2020-06-30 浏览1290次